Can autism be cured?

A conversation with Kerri Rivera

A breakthrough you won’t hear about on TV

Improved diet and habits help all conditions, but diet and habits alone are sometimes not enough.

The Medical Mafia has two answers to all diseases:

1. “We don’t know what causes it”

2. “And we don’t know how to cure it – but we $ure know how to manage it for the re$t of your life.”

This is a heartbreaking answer for the parents of autistic children.

Good news:

There are solutions that yield powerful results. They’re safe, proven and they don’t cost an arm and a leg.

We walk about them with Kerri Rivera.

More info:

The ATEC test

The Autism Research Institute

The Brasscheck/Real Food Reading List

We recommend these books as a foundation for educating yourself about health in the 21st Century.

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