Let’s end the year strong
Help us get “The COVID Con – Volume II” to the top of Amazon
You can order the book here
In track and field they call it, “running through the tape.”
In other words, don’t start slowing down until you cross the finish line.
That’s been Brasscheck this year, and you too.
FOUR books published since the summer:
1. Unraveling the CoViD Con – Volume 1
2. The Nuremberg Code – 75th Anniversary Commemorative Edition
3. 78 Days of Terror – The US-Led NATO Assault on the Civilians of Yugoslavia
You’ve supported them all. Thanks.
Now, before we hit the finish line of 2022, we’ve got one more, in many ways our best.
Brasscheck’s new book “Unraveling the CoVid Con, Volume II”