Protest the violation of human rights against Canadians by their government

Time is of the essence


1. The mission is to contact Canadian consulates in the US today

2. The list and contact info for these consulates is here. Find the one near you.

3. Call, fax, email and mail your local consulate and identify your city and state

4. Be calm, polite and firm.

You can copy, paste, use and/or and adapt this text.

Dear Consulate General,

I am citizen of the United States and I am watching the news from Canada very closely.

I want to express my dismay at the obvious human rights violations being carried out against lawful and peaceful protestors by federal, provincial and municipal officials in Ottawa and elsewhere.

Your government is in clear violation of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, specifically Articles 1, 9, 18, 19, and 20.

As an American citizen, I intend to lobby my federal representatives to sanction the government of Canada and specific individuals including, but not limited to, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has made public remarks against citizens of your country that are derogatory, discriminatory, and designed to inflame discrimination if not outright violence.

I am gravely disappointed by the conduct of the Canadian government.

City and State

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