
An interview with Maryam Henein

Originally published on October 25, 2019

Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, functional medicine consultant, and founder and editor-in-chief of HoneyColony. She is also the director of the award-winning documentary film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Ellen Page.


The film
Vanishing of the Bees

Maryam’s community
Honey Colony

Twitter: @MaryamHenein

Google Censors, Shadowbans, and Blacklists Alternative Health News
A Very important article about how Google is censoring health news

Maryam’s interview with Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, functional medicine consultant, and founder and editor-in-chief of HoneyColony. She is also the director of the award-winning documentary film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Ellen Page.

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Is Google Controlling Your Mind? | Zach Vorhies – Google Whistleblower

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