Toxic building materials

A hidden epidemic

How manufacturers lie on safety data sheets

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Brasscheck’s new book “The Nuremberg Code”


This summer I was severely poisoned and made chronically ill by a combination of two factors:

1. Toxic mold

A negligent landlord failed to repair water damage and allowed toxic black mold to grow hidden in the walls and ceiling of an office they owned. Then they rented the office to me.

They knew the mold was there because they periodically came (at night) to patch things up. I had no idea there was a problem and neither did the dozens of people who visited my office over the years.

For five years, my immune system was quietly being chipped away at until it finally collapsed one day “suddenly.”

2. “Legal” toxins

Toxic chemicals were used to put a finish on some cabinets in my home.

Because of my weakened immune system, the fumes from these cabinets had an immediate and catastrophic impact on my health.

I won’t go into all the grim details – it would take a book – but I wouldn’t wish what’s happened to me on my worst enemy.

Getting information about the chemicals used in construction is nearly impossible.

Manufacturers are given all kinds of “outs” and – would you believe it? – they lie.

Here’s why this is important:

People with weakened immune systems are often pushed “over the edge” by home renovation work because of the toxic chemicals used.

How many people are impacted this way?

80% of the people who experience a sudden catastrophic collapse of their immune systems have it as the result of home or office renovations.

Have you ever heard of this before?

Probably not.

You or someone you know may be gravely or chronically ill for a “mysterious” reason that the so-called doctors can’t figure out. (If they can’t write a prescription based on 3 seconds of evaluation they can’t figure ANYTHING out.)

In my case, I was lucky. The impact on me was massive and immediate. There was no doubt I was poisoned by the fumes.

Then I realized I’d been tired and sick-feeling at the end of every work day in my office for years, so, on a hunch, I spent the many hundreds of dollars necessary to have the place tested for mold and the test discovered toxic mold.

Dozens of people had been in and out of my office over the years and no one noticed anything. I sure didn’t and I’m usually pretty observant. Then again, the building’s owner – a church! – took great pains to keep a lid on the problem.

Mold from shoddy building and maintenance practices and “modern” chemicals are silently destroying the health and lives of millions of people each year.

The multi-billion dollar chemical industry makes sure you NEVER hear about this because their liability would be astronomical.

A source to start your research: Book – “The E.I. Syndrome: An Rx for Environmental Illness” by Sherry Rogers MD.

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