Japanese Permaculture Legend

“Masanobu Fukuoka”

“Do Nothing, Natural Farming”

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“The One Straw Revolution” is a book written in 1975 by Masanobu Fukuoka, a Japanese farmer and philosopher, who is now recognized as a significant influence on permaculture.

In the book, Fukuoka expounds on his philosophy and outlines the Four Principles of Natural Farming: no cultivation, no chemical fertilizer or prepared compost, no weeding by tillage and herbicides, and no dependence on chemicals. He referred to it as “do-nothing, natural farming.”

Despite requiring less labor, Fukuoka’s methods can lead to higher yields in farms or gardens.

This short film features narration by Larry Korn, the book’s editor. In 1973, Korn received guidance from Mr. Fukuoka, who resided on Shikoku Island, Japan.

The wise quotes of Mr. Fukuoka resonate with the natural simplicity and the essence of being in harmony with nature.

“Unless people can become natural people, there can be neither natural farming nor natural food.”

“Natural farming is not simply a way of growing crops; it is the cultivation and perfection of human beings.”

We continue to learn from this remarkable master!



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