Busted: How the UN supported vicious troll farms that attacked U.S. nurses and patients
Interview with Katie Spence of The Epoch Times
Support AmericanFrontLineNurses.org
Fundraising week for AmericanFrontLineNurses.org
August 14, 2023
Cleaning up after the CoVid disaster
The heroic work of AmericanFrontlineNurses.org
August 15, 2023
How the UN Directed an Attack on American Nurses
The coordinated assault on the free speech rights and physical safety of nurses
August 16, 2023
The hospital murders – the details
The story of Grace Schara’s murder at the hands of medical CoVid zealots
August 17, 2023
The science is in: Ivermectin worked
Peer-reviewed and now-established science, the medicine your loved ones were denied could have saved their lives
Articles by Katie Spence of Epoch Times
UN Initiative Tasked with Targeting COVID-19 ‘Disinformation’ Quietly Vanishes
UN Initiative Targets and Doxes Doctors and Nurses Who Don’t Follow COVID-19 Narrative
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