Is there an ideal diet?

Insight into cancer and all diseases

There is no “one size fits all”

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Brasscheck’s new book “The Nuremberg Code”


This might be the most important video we’ve ever put out.

Body type, blood type, age…

All these things determine what is the right diet for YOU.

A clean diet, with lots of nutrient dense plant foods, avoiding GMOs, eating organic, avoiding sugar and other toxins like alcohol makes sense for everyone, but beyond that, the details of what to eat are as unique as your fingerprint.

This was a wide ranging call, but this section seemed important enough to excerpt. It’s a conversation with an 80 year old man who was told his lung cancer was terminal – 38 years ago!

The full video with many of the resources discussed in this interview can be found here:

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The Brasscheck/Real Food Reading List

We recommend these books as a foundation for educating yourself about health in the 21st Century.

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