Meet Fauci Jr. – Gregg Gonsalves
The scam artist who cooked up “6 foot distancing”
Without this lie, there might not have been any lockdowns
Fauci may be on his way out the door (assuming he escapes indictment)
The problem is he’s left behind plenty of operatives to keep the terror going.
Late last week we learned who cooked up the 6 foot distancing fraud that resulting in the lockdown of small businesses, schools, churches, and even reduced urgent medical care for those who really needed it.
His name is Gregg Gonsalves.
We featured him nearly a year ago. Now the rest of the sleepy world of investigative journalism has woken up. Must watching.
Additional resources
Anthony Fauci Exposes Yale’s Gregg Gonsalves As Academic Activist Who Fakes Data Claims
Trump is mishandling coronavirus the way Reagan botched the AIDS epidemic

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