Pre-pandemic propaganda preparations for the CoVid Con

How the WHO’s “Top Ten Threats to Global Health” changed from 2018 to 2019

Fraud piled on fraud

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How the propagandists prepared for the CoVid Con.

You don’t think all this disinformation and misinformation happened by itself, do you?

A look at just one of the pre-pandemic elements of the hysteria campaign.

Note how the WHO’s “Top Ten Threats to Global Health” changed.

Guess who gives the WHO $400 million a year, just to help it out a little? Bill “Global Vaccine Passport” Gates.


1. Pandemic influenza (the return of 1918)
2. Health in conflict (i.e. war)
3. Cholera
4. Diphtheria
5. Malaria
6. Natural disasters
7. Meningitis
8. Yellow Fever
9. Malnutrition
10. Food poisoning


1. Air pollution and Climate change
2. Noncommunicable diseases
3. Pandemic influenza (the return of 1918)
4. Fragile and vulnerable settings (i.e. poverty)
5. Antimicrobial resistance
6. Ebola and other high-threat pathogens
7. Weak primary health care
8. Vaccine hesitancy (illustrated by a picture of an infant with his mother)
9. Dengue
10. HIV

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