Sustainability and Food Choice

Why Eating Local, “Less” Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work

Richard Oppenlander presents at the March 2013 McDougall Advanced Study Weekend. 

Do you know the true cost of the food you eat every day? What resources were used and what was destroyed in order to get that food to your plate? What does the word sustainable really mean when applied to your food choices and how sustainable is that particular food to your own health?

Dr. Oppenlander is the author of “Comfortably Unaware” in which he reveals the truth about food choice and its impact on our world. He doesn’t stop at merely identifying the problem. He describes its cultural and political origins and offers a viable solution.

Dr. Oppenlander lectures around the country for the purpose of repositioning food choice as a critical component within the campaign for a more sustainable and healthy planet, and for those who inhabit it.

This video is long but worth the time.

One serious disagreement we have with Dr. Oppenlander…

He says that the change in eating habits, must be compelled (i.e. forced)

NO, NO, and NO.

All that is required is:

1. Remove the insane subsidies from the meat and dairy industry

Hamburger would cost $20 a pound without them and meat
would return to the place it occupied in the human diet for
thousands of years: a rare treat, not a three times a day,
365 day a year “necessity.” 

2. Prohibit blatantly criminal and anti-social practices like
factory farming 

For example, a single hog factory farm can produce as much 
sewage as a 20,000 person city. Yet they are not required to
have sewage processing plants and are allowed to simply dump t
he waste in open air ponds. 

Prohibit these practices now. 

3. Stop censoring the science that shows processed
food, meat, dairy etc. is seriously detrimental to

4. Require that public schools teach this science
and serve healthy food not pizza, burgers, french
fries, hotdogs, and soda pop. 

5. In short, dismantle the corrupt infrastructure
that makes the meat and dairy industries possible
and people will make their own informed decisions
based on: 1) their pocket books and 2) exposure
to clear, honest information. 

We have enough government interference in our
lives and given that government is thoroughly
corrupt, we don’t need their “help” – we just need
them to stop actively hurting us and helping those
who hurt us.

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