What the families saw – Part One

About the film Vaxxed

Click here to watch the entire film

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While everyone was focused on the COVID lockdowns and the coerced vaccines, we went deeply into an ignored story.

The hundreds of thousands of Americans who were “dying of COVID” in the hospital as a result of “care” that not only did not work, but actively harmed.

Our book “What the Nurses Saw” which came out on December 6, 2023, was the first book to document the alarming facts of these deaths (murders, really) in a comprehensive way.

After the publication of the book, we were inundated with messages from families.

Our good friends at CHD-TV (a division of CHD) made a film about the deaths from their point of view.

Please watch, share, and talk up this most important film which, predictably, is 100% ignored by the news media.


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