Nuremberg Code finally makes the headlines
Three years late, but better late than never
Click here to: Get the book
Will Campbell mention the Brasscheck-published book on the Code, which has been translated into 12 different languages and was co-authored with Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav?
Probably not.
After all, it’s only the #1 best-selling book on the Nuremberg Code and has been for over a year. (So much for exhaustive research.)
But maybe you can help change this sad state of affairs.
Theoretically, Campbell reads the comment section of his YouTube page.
Click here and let him and his viewers know about the book.
Also, please write to your favorite podcasters – “million-dollar” and otherwise – and let them know you want them to get the book and talk about the Nuremberg Code with an expert on it and how it was specifically violated during the CoVid Era.
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