The great orange juice scam

What you don’t know about orange juice

The truth about your “pure” OJ may surprise you

“Fresh” and “pure”?

One of the great scams of the industrial food cartel is the so-called “fresh” orange juice sold in supermarkets. 

This one particularly galls me because for years when I was dirt poor and had very few food choices, I thought I was doing a healthy thing by buying “fresh” orange juice from Tropicana. 

Alissa Hamiliton has written a new book on the subject called “Squeezed: What You Don’t Know About Orange Juice.”

Some reality checks:

1. There is more vitamin c in a single orange than in a full glass of industrial orange juice

2. Truly fresh orange juice only last a few days. It if last for weeks (or months), it’s an industrial product.

3. Until the Florida orange growers launched a campaign in the early 20th century to deal with their surplus crop, the only people who drank orange juice were Floridians who had a tree in their backyard. There is nothing particularly healthy or natural about drinking orange juice – and the industrial product is a total waste of money.

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